Here are Helen Kantor's picks: Tiramisu, apple blackberry cobbler, s'mores and um.... Oh. It's not a dessert island? Oh. In that case....

Okay, okay, okay. Record Boy's girl is finally adding her entry to the list and she's got all of Record Boy's archives to choose from which is why it took so long. And she reserves the right to change her mind, if one can do that on a desert island.

1. The new Gomez album, "Liquid Skin," because I haven't had a chance to listen to it.

2. Rough Mix with Pete Townsend and Ronnie Lane because it's eclectic and brilliant.

3. Paul Simon's "Graceland" Great music, worldly, he can turn a phrase and tell a story in every song.

4. Anything from Mozart, because variety is the spice of life for any dessert or desert.

5. Bonnie Raitt's "Luck of the Draw" because I'll still want to hear this one the most after listening to the other four albums I pick.

But you see, it doesn't really matter because all I really have to do is take Record Boy along with me to the desert island and I'm set.