Record Boy asks the musical question: Which is the better Winter song; "Hazy Shade of Winter" or "California Dreaming." Here's some responses, send in your opinion!):

When I lived in Chicago in the 70's, it was definitely CALIFORNIA DREAMIN' -- really. Now I have to say "Hazy Shade of Winter." What a really cool song it is, especially for S&G!

Debbie Leavitt Castleberry


Just wanted to respond to your question - which is a better winter song, California Dreaming or Hazy Shade of Winter? The Simon and Garfunkle Album that included Hazy Shade of Winter in its song list (of course I can't remember the album title now) changed my life when I was about 10 years old. I remember the poster, black and white of the two of them that came inside the album and pinning it up on my wall. All my friends were busy listening to David Cassidy and Bobby Sherman (the album had been out about 5 years by the time I discovered it). I felt like it opened up my head to a whole new way of thinking. The darkness and lightness juxtaposed together on the album (Hazy shade of Winter being followed, I recall, by the song "Something tells me it's all Happening at the Zoo") was altogether the most amazing thing I'd ever heard. I think that album made me what I am today.. a carefree but cynical democrat!! Anyway, for what it's worth, and I do love the Mama's and the Pappa's, but hands down Hazy Shade of Winter gets my vote. - Julie Graham Zeiden