Three Bad Concerts:


Just prior to going Christian in the near-late seventies, Bob Dylan went Vegas.  He came on stage with a big band, including horns, back-up singers and re-vamped arrangements of his treasured catalog.  He even wore make-up.  It could've been a Saturday Night Live routine if it weren't so surreal.  Imagine Wayne Newton singing "The Times They Are A' Changing" and you'll know EXACTLY what it was like.  Six months later, when he turned to Jesus, I was so relieved I almost forgot I was Jewish. 


Heart was so bad in concert, it was laughable. It was a Spinal Tap experience watching the Wilson sisters' support band attempt rock star poses during one lame guitar solo after another.  My friend Danny and I bolted for the parking lot just before the 25-minute version of "Magic Man".


Rod Stewart performed in Orange County in 1989, and I took someone that really wanted to see him.  I regret the experience.  With all due respect, Rod was in fine vocal form, but his band was limp and the audience was worse.  During one ballad from Rod's golden days that I was happy to hear, this big dude sitting right behind me starting screaming, over and over, directly into my ear: "DOLPHINS RULE!!! DOLPHINS RULE!! DOLPHINS RULE!!"  The song, the show and the date were completely ruined.


  - - Benjamin Krepack